If this is an Emergency, call 911
We Provide services to voluntary inpatient detox for Alcohol, most Opioids and Benzodiazepine
Operating Hours
We have 24 hour nursing services available
Mon - Sun
Our Detox Services only services 18 years of age and older
Medi-Cal and most insurances accepted
Detox Appointment
After regular business hours, all scheduled patients (inpatient and/or outpatient), any walk in radiology or lab services should report to the ED Registration department.
The ED is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The telephone number is (562) 997-2296 or (562) 997-2297
The fax number is (562) 997-2528
Request and Appointment

Contact Information
Looking for more information please call our 24 hour hotline at (833) 517-6364.
The hospital strive to have you triaged by a registered nurse as soon as possible. All patients being referred to the Emergency Room (ER) will be triaged and treated in order of priority. If your condition worsens of if you feel you need assistance right away, then please go to the nearest ER or call 9-1-1. At time when the hospital is at capacity, you may be placed on a wait-list. Please call (562) 997-2173 to be placed on the waitlist.
VID PROGRAM : Voluntary Inpatient DETOX services
Medi-Cal (And other health plans) Benefits Expanded to Include Voluntary Inpatient Detoxification
Medical criteria for inpatient admission for voluntary inpatient detoxification must include one or more of the following: Patient must present requesting DETOX services
- Delirium tremens, with any combination of the following clinical manifestations with cessation or reduced intake of alcohol/sedative:
- Hallucinations
- Disorientation
- Tachycardia
- Hypertension
- Fever
- Agitation
- Diaphoresis
- Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment Scale for Alcohol, revised (CIWA-Ar) form score greater than 15
- Alcohol/sedative withdrawal with CIWA score greater than 8 and one or more of the following high risk factors:
- Multiple substance abuse
- History of delirium tremens
- Unable to receive the necessary medical assessment, monitoring, and treatment in a setting with a lower level of care
- Medical co-morbidities that make detoxification in an outpatient setting unsafe
- History of failed outpatient treatment
- Psychiatric co-morbidities
- Pregnancy
- History of seizure disorder or withdrawal seizures
- Complications of opioid withdrawal that cannot be adequately managed in the outpatient setting due to the following factors:
- Persistent vomiting and diarrhea from opioid withdrawal.
- Dehydration and electrolyte imbalance that cannot be managed in a setting with a lower level of care.
Detoxification of cannabinoids, stimulants, or hallucinogens alone does not require inpatient level of medical intervention. However, multiple substance abuse with components of alcohol, opiates, or sedatives may be considered for inpatient admission.
For Buprenorphine/naloxone induction: Enter scores at time zero, 1-2 h after first dose, and at additional times that buprenorphine/naloxone is given over the induction period.
Give first dose when COWS score > 7 SCORE: 5-12 = Mild 13-24 = Moderate 25-36 = moderately severe More than 36 = severe withdrawal
Guide to the Use of the Clinical Withdrawal Assessment Scale for Benzodiazepines CIWA-B
Total Score Items 1 – 20 1–20 = mild withdrawal 41–60 = severe withdrawal 21–40 =moderate withdrawal 61–80 = very severe withdrawal